Scheer (Caron), Marijke "Mike"

Mailing Address: 

Primary Phone: 801-732-8889

Primary Email: 

Comments: What a fun website and great way to 'catch up' on everyone!   Unfortunalely, not many are sharing their bios.......come on!

I have spent most of my life in the Washington DC area 1967-1991 where I met my husband while working for the airline.   Now married 35 years, two grown children (a son 32, and a daughter 28) and six fabulous grandchildren, with number seven due this week.  

We moved to Las Vegas in 1991 to open another office for my husband, and built a home in Utah in 2002.   We love the change of seasons again.  

It is great to be here and I am looking forward to my first class reunion.